Tuesday, April 28, 2009


It's been a busy week and I am way behind where I had hoped to be with this blog. On the plus side, Arialdus and I have taken names for ourselves and are both able to access the site now.

The next step will be to start building a network and make some posts that someone might actually care to read. Here goes!


*Edit* We seem to have been flagged as a possible spam blog. There are actual people running this thing and, presumably, we might occasionally come up with something interesting to say. We'll see how that goes, I guess.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Today is Divine Mercy Sunday and life is good; it was a Latin Mass day. The exciting news of the day is that I picked up a copy of the Challoner-Rheims translation of the New Testament. I look forward to reading from a "new" translation and at first glance, the footnotes are looking more reliable than I've ever seen before.

This is also the inaugural post of the blog that Arialdus and I have been talking about for some weeks. He doesn't know that I set it up yet, but we'll get there in due time.

Farewell and God bless!
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