Monday, August 31, 2009

Apparently, God has nothing to do with it!

And finally, a post that seems to focus largely on the U of R, or as it has apparently branded itself, UR...we'll work from quotes, most from a girl named Kellie comments in red

"Newman is a nonjudgmental environment. We all introduce ourselves, and there's no cliques.

Nonjudgemental in what way? I recall a post from Gene Michael that mentioned a "homosexual" student "coming out" during his...well, why he was talking during the homily baffles me, but mid-mass. There's a big difference between being judgemental and ignoring Catholic morality. I had the distinct displeasure of going to Mass at the U of R once...what she doesn't mention is that they all introduce Mass...during the liturgy!
Ileto, who is minoring in religion at UR, has come to accept that "there's not just one way to feel close to God"
This sounds an awful lot like it's not Catholic...the paper seems to imply she is correct, and despite her previous convictions, she now realizes that Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. work well too? Has she been reading THE SHACK? Presumably the Religion Department at U of R teaches the same crap every other religion department teaches at a secular University--that all religion is essentially the same, and that it's a great sociological phenomenon.

Ileto acknowledged that transitioning your Catholic faith to college is no easy process for many. She said that some students are jarred by a style and setting for Catholic worship that is much different than in their home parishes;

WHY?! The U of R Newman Club...Community?...worships in the basement of an ugly building that lacks any Catholic character. It should be jarring. They don't kneel, they sit in chairs, and they face each other across a big aisle, on one end of which is the "altar" and on the other is the "ambo" though it's a bit of a stretch to call either by those names.
"One big thing is, who am I going to be friends with? You may be 18, but still very insecure. It's all about fitting in."
I never knew the U of R was a middle school. How about that. It's all about fitting in. It's not about learning, it's not about God, it's not about growing up and being independent, it's all about fitting in. Remind me to send my daughter there for middle school!

Loughlin gave special credit to her campus ministers at the time, Wes Kennison and Father Jim Hewes, for guiding her through that period. "They're why I'm still Catholic," remarked Loughlin

God has nothing to do with it! Nope, not grace, nothing to do with God...Jim and Wes, though, they're great!

"In the end it doesn't matter about the time commitment, the exhaustion. It only matters that they're my family," Ileto said. "Really, bottom line, is the Catholic Newman Community is my family."

It's not about God, just that they're all really close, it seems...Apparently, God has nothing to do with it!



  1. I'm a religion major at UR (yes, i know, it's pointless drivel) Anything taught by the UR religion department is either conjecture treated as fact, or general whining...certainly none too compatible with Catholicism!

    I once was marked down on an essay for referring to the author of 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus as Paul...apparently, the prof is just certain it wasn't him. I guess she must have been there or something ;)

    Newman at UR is nothing more than a social club.
    I lack enough paper to document liturgical abuses. iFaith is ugly, Fr Cool is all around bad news, and there is absolutely no catechesis.

    Oh, and I assure you, there are certainly cliques.

  2. Thank you for revealing the truth about the UofR, M!

  3. M -- You are always welcomed at the Tridentine Latin Mass on Sunday at 1:30 at St. Stanislaus Church, corner of Hudson Ave and Norton St. Please try and make it sometime. We have a Missa Cantata on September 27. That would be a good start.
    God Bless!

  4. I've been thrice--2 high Masses, 1 low

    and when I don't wind up there, I try to get to OLV


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