Sunday, July 12, 2009

Somewhere, some village is missing their idiot

Since we've got two here in Rochester!

Okay, fine...I suppose we've got more than that, but the picture made me chuckle...Grosswirth and the Bish...tehe



  1. come on - is this really necessary? Name calling and a picture? I think the case for orthodoxy is weakened by posts like this.

  2. I think it's important, as it shows the connection between Bishop Clark and the local progressive activists. This is a problem that has been going on for some time in our area, and he has had connections with quite a few of these who are spearheading the women's ordination and married priest movements from Rochester. Just look at how many there are leading our churches. There are even more who are not in leadership positions who Bishop Clark has friendships with.

    It also is funny to see the two together :-)

  3. It establishes the Clark/Grosswirth connection. Just look at who Bishop Clark surrounds himself with [Ray Grosswirth, Joan Sobala, Nancy DeRycke], and how his policies reflect their influence [lay preaching, lay administrators, excessive left-leaning pastoral associates].

  4. #1 - name calling accomplishes nothing. It just makes your case worse.

    #2 - it's a picture. I'm not saying the connection isn't important, but a picture is not. Would you say that b16 condones obama's actions because they were recently in a photo together.

    When an outsider (who may not know all the facts about Bishop Clark and the diocese) sees this type of thing, do you think they're going to take your legitimate arguments seriously?

  5. My guess is that the author simply wanted to note the comedy in the picture, and that it was a pretty solid representation of the way this diocese seems to work

    Incidentally, proof of the idiocy of both men:

  6. I find the picture to be funny.

  7. Is that a real picture?

    I initially thought you photo-shopped it.

    It looks too ... fetching to be real.

  8. It's a cropped picture from 1990 - before Grosswirth jumped ship.


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